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DragonRealms News

SimuCon 2023
Posted on 04/17/2023 10:42 PM CDT by Webstaff

Badge- Required for Attendance

All attendees must display their badge at all times while in the official event rooms.

Includes:  Attendee Goodie Bag

  • - 2x RPA4
  • - A hitman-sized container
  • - Urchin Runner, 60 uses
  • - Urchin Guide, 30 uses
  • - 5 Task System Wipes
  • - Special Attendee-only Scripted Item!


Extra Special Item!

This an ADDITIONAL special item!
 - A unique Ephemera Beast available only at SimuCon 2023!


Character Portrait

A rendering of your character, copy to be provided to you and included in your character's LOOK in game.

Provide your character's full LOOK description.  Include as much detail as possible to convey to the artist a clear vision of your character.

 - You may note one or two items that you want specifically depicted.  If you prefer a certain pose, specify it.

You will be provided with a composite sketch and allowed one round of revision before the final product is completed.

Images will be delivered in the following formats -

Low res:

830x1080 (to fit within the Wiki upload file size limit, if you want to display your image there)

High res:

2400x3000 pixels. (print size of 8x10)


Fashion Consult

The buyer can work with a GM to design and obtain 3 custom-feature mirrors and 2 general item alterations.


Custom Room 

Purchaser will work with a GM to create a unique room that will be deployed to all instances of the game.


D&D One-Shot Game

Participate in one of the Elanthia-themed One-Shot campaigns. You will receive a pouch of dice to play the game with!


Lunch with a DR GM

Either participate in the small group lunch on Friday at noon with DR PM Lyneya, GS PM Wyrom, and Simutronics CEO Skippy, and Chris in Billing…. Or share a quiet meal with a DR GM! (Dutch style - each will pay for their own).


Simu Swag

SimuCon Swag Bag containing: 

SimuCon Notebook and Pen SimuCon 

Ceramic Mug

 ... and other items!


Non-Attendee Goodie Bag

  • - 2x RPA4
  • - A hitman-sized container
  • - Urchin Runner (60 uses)
  • - Urchin Guide (30 uses)
  • - 5 Task System Wipes

Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

Go Play!