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New Storage Furniture!
Posted on 05/10/2016 06:05 PM CDT by Webstaff


Thanks to GM Javac, we've updated the SimuCoin Store with a new furniture coupon that you can use to design furniture that best suits the aesthetics of your home!  With this single coupon, based off the Adaerna Milgrym jewelry mechanics from Riverhaven, you can design one of seventeen types of furniture including beds, tables, walls, and more!  Each of these items stores 75 items total in various combinations of IN, ON, UNDER or BEHIND.

Sounds neat!  How do I do it?

Once you've purchased a coupon from the SimuCoin Store, check your SIMUCOIN DELIVER in game (on the character that wants it!).  When you have your coupon, you can STUDY it for some basic info:

>study coupon
You believe you can REDEEM the coupon to begin ordering custom furniture.
This won't work inside your home, and in some other locations like shops.

As indicated, you can REDEEM COUPON to start the process of designing your item.  Do note, some rooms aren't compatible with ORDERing from the coupon, so you may need to move around a bit if you run into problems!

Many of the subsequent options are specific to the particular item you're designing, but we've included a step-by-step below of designing a four-poster bed so you can see how it works!  Note, for StormFront users, we've enabled point-and-click to make designing easier for most parts!

>redeem coup
You believe this coupon can be redeemed to create one of the following:
      1) trundle bed      (bed [misc 2], 75 items on)
      2) canopy bed       (bed [misc 2], 50 items on, 25 under)
      3) sleigh bed       (bed [misc 2], 50 items on, 25 under)
      4) four-poster bed  (bed [misc 2], 50 items on, 25 under)
      5) couch            (bed [misc 2], 50 items on, 25 under)
      6) sofa             (bed [misc 2], 50 items on, 25 under)
      7) chaise lounge    (bed [misc 2], 50 items on, 25 under)
      8) sandpit          (bed [misc 2], 75 items on)
      9) table            (table [misc 1], 50 items on, 25 under)
     10) desk             (table [misc 1], 50 items in, 25 on)
     11) bar              (table [misc 1], 50 items in, 25 on)
     12) trunk            (general storage, 50 items in, 25 on)
     13) chest            (general storage, 50 items in, 25 on)
     14) bookcase         (general storage, 50 items in, 25 on)
     15) armor stand      (armor stand [only holds armor], 75 items on)
     16) weapon rack      (weapon rack [only holds weapons], 75 items on)
     17) wall             (wall, 75 items on)
>order 4 from coupon
So far, you have created a four-poster bed.  Please choose a material.
    1) ebonwood                          2) ironwood
    3) willow                            4) gloomwood
    5) bloodwood                         6) sana'ati
    7) mahogany                          8) flamewood
    9) mistwood                         10) driftwood
   11) oak                              12) dragonwood
   13) applewood                        14) copperwood
   15) pine                             16) goldwood
>order 10 from coupon
So far, you have created a driftwood four-poster bed.  Please choose a color.
    1) black                             2) red
    3) blue                              4) black and tan
    5) dark red                          6) cloud white
    7) burgundy                          8) rich brown
    9) golden                           10) dark
   11) pure white                       12) beige
   13) off-white                        14) yellow
   15) orange                           16) grey
>order 16 from coupon
So far, you have created a grey driftwood four-poster bed.  Please choose a style.
    1) simple                            2) carved
    3) overstuffed                       4) low
    5) long                              6) sleek
>order 4 from coupon
So far, you have created a low grey driftwood four-poster bed.  Please choose an embellishment.
    1) a firm mattress                   2) a soft mattress
    3) a wrought iron headboard          4) an intricate headboard
    5) silk sheets                       6) soft sheets
    7) heavy blankets                    8) a colorfully embroidered coverlet
    9) down pillows                     10) soft pillows
   11) lumpy pillows                    12) silk curtains
   13) sheer curtains                   14) thick curtains
>order 1 from coupon
So far, you have created a low grey driftwood four-poster bed with a firm mattress.
If that is correct, ORDER 1 FROM COUPON for delivery.
If that is incorrect, ORDER 0 FROM COUPON to start over.
>order 1 from coupon
You glance down to find that your coupon has vanished, and a furniture voucher is in its place.
>read voucher
"This document is valid for a low grey driftwood four-poster bed with a firm mattress, which occupies
the bed (misc2) space of your home.  The notations indicate that it has space for 0 items IN, 50
items ON, 0 items BEHIND and 25 items UNDER it.  It can be redeemed with any of the Estate
Holder housing clerks."

And that's it!

Now you can take the voucher to the nearest home office (be sure to check HOME CLERKS -- you want the HOUSING clerks!) and GIVE it to the clerk to have your new furniture item installed in your home!

Do be aware that this will replace whatever furniture you have existing in the slot already.  If it's something you want to keep, visit your home and use HOME REMOVE to turn that into a voucher to save it before redeeming your newly designed piece!

Have ideas for other types of furniture or more options?  Let us know via the forums!

Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

Go Play!