Getting There:
The fastest trip to fabulous M'Riss is on the good ship Degan, plying between the sleepy little fishing village of Acenamacra, east of Leth Deriel, and Fever Point on M'Riss. From the time you stop on board the Degan, you'll know that getting there is half the fun.
On the trim ship under the practiced hand of Captain Parcolo, you can enjoy the ocean voyage in your favorite way. Laze in the hammocks in the crew's quarters, fish from the deck with the complementary poles, bait and hooks, scan the heavens with the telescope, and frolic to your heart's content, climbing the shrouds and sliding down the stays (good practice!). And if you're hungry, visit the ship's galley for some of the Degan's famous fish chowder and ship's bread. Anyone accompanied by a citizen of M'Riss can enjoy the convenience of the Degan.
Being There:
The sylvan slopes of Fala Inisharon are the hunter's paradise, with peccaries on the ground and caracals in the leafy canopy overhead. But watch out for the Lun'Shele, crafty hunters whose silence in the attack is exceeded only by their chiefs, the Lun'Shele trekhalos. At the west, Fala Inisharon is border by the Altanen River, where travelers can practice their climbing on the challenging cliffs or practice their swimming in the river. The hunter's usual destination is the large island in mid-stream where the peccaries are plentiful.
Only for the experienced, the Dunes of Despair lie in the far north of the island. Their shifting sands, populated by the fierce armadillos and westanuryns can challenge even the boldest hunters. Be sure you have your waterskin!
M'Riss is not for everyone, but for those who love the unspoiled frontier life with like-minded neighbors, consider Wishing Well Grove in Highland Meadow, not far from the entrance to Fala Inisharon. Whether you're just visiting or making a home, you'll find that M'Riss offers what the adventurer wants.
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