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The Elanthian Lorethew Mentor Society

This quill is brought to you by Pentronics, the leader in massively-multiauthor documents.To go forward from this day with a mind free of prejudice in our service as mentors.

To gather, collect and distribute all manner of lore and knowledge for the betterment and prosperity of society.

To hold ourselves with pride, dignity and honor, serving as a shining example to those around us.

To aid those in need, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or profession.

To hold sacred the oath of those who came before us and the secrets found within the order.

Welcome to the DragonRealms Mentor Society.

The Mentors are a society that focus on training and helping the young adventurer. They are a dedicated group of people from all walks of life who see more in life than exterminating all the creatures that inhabit the wilds or focusing solely on advancement in one's profession. Many of them are Elders in their respective profession, and are willing to answer questions and teach the knowledge in accordance with the Mentor Society's vision.

Membership into the society only has a few requirements which are fairly easy for the average citizen to meet. However, there are also qualities which are desirable among our membership that are difficult to measure. These are:

  • Desire to help those in need, and the willingness to sacrifice ones time to help others.
  • A good grasp of history, of your chosen profession, experience and game mechanics.
  • The desire and know-how to role-play.
  • The drive and initiative to come up with ideas, develop them, and make them happen.

If you posses these qualities, find out if you meet the requirements!




Rated E: Everyone Interactive -- The content of this site may change due to interactive exchanges.  Mild Violence.

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